Siren Audio Recordings

Audio Recorder Used: Sony ICD-UX570

Audio Recordings By Sirens & Thunderbolts 1003

(Bottom - Oldest, Top - Newest)

St. Clair County, Michigan

The recorder is located in Courtright, Ontario in Willow Park, the sirens are located in 

East China Township, Michigan.

Tornado Siren Test on 09/02/24

Audio recording


East China Township, Michigan's siren system consists of:

Lambton County, Froomfield, Sarnia, ON

ATI is beside a playground near 1900 Virgil Ave, Sarnia, ON. 

(Close-up) ATI HPSS-32 / (Distance) Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1003 (x3) Siren Test on 09/02/24

Audio recording


Huron County, Brucefield, ON

Bluewater Fire Station 11 - Brucefield

Sterling Siren 3V (8-Port) Fire Siren Test 08/20/24

Audio Recording


Woolwich Township, Breslau, ON, 19 Woolwich St South

Federal Signal 2001-130 Emergency Siren Test 08/19/24

Audio Recording


Niagara County, Youngstown, NY

Youngstown Fire Company

Sterling Siren Model M Fire Siren Noon Whistle 08/17/24

Recorded from Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON

Audio Recording


Interesting day, my friend invited me to come with him to do some shopping in Niagara Region so I thought to myself why dont I try to attempt Youngstown's noon whistle? so I went there for 15 minutes before noon or so and walked the trail to a bench and setup shop and 11:57 AM or so came around and in the distance I hear the nice sounding 8/16 Port Sterling wind up. I originally wanted to come here when they do Thursday night fire siren testing for the whole County but I guess they stopped doing that. 

Woolwich Township, Elmira, ON

Gibson Park

Elmira Emergency Siren Test 06/15/24

Federal Signal STH-10As (x2) and a Model 5A

Audio Recording


Scarborough, ON, Coronation Dr


Whelen Engineering WPS-2805 Emergency Siren Test 04/20/24

Audio Recording


Note: the unit I was at on Coronation Drive stopped working during the whoop signal for some reason, but it fully worked for the alert signal. During the alert signal, both sirens produced a dual-tone-like sound because the other Whelen has a higher-pitched tone. Both sirens are tested in a 2-minute whoop signal, followed by a 5-minute silence, and then a 1-minute alert for an all-clear signal. I reduced the waiting time for the 5-minute silence so it will go on to the alert signal instead of waiting the full 5 minutes on the audio recording.

Huron County, Seaforth, ON, 72 Main St South

Municipality of Huron East

Federal Signal STH-10 Fire Siren Test 04/13/24

Audio Recording


Perth County, Monkton, ON, 215 Nelson St

North Perth Fire Station 3 Monkton 

Federal Sign & Signal Model 5B Fire Siren Test 03/1/24

Audio Recording


Hamilton, ON, McMaster University, 1280 Main St West (Beside Hwy 8) 

Federal Signal Modulator 5020 Emergency Siren Test 01/11/24

Audio Recording


Woolwich Township, Elmira, ON

(Close-up) Lions Park and (Distance) Fire Hall

Federal Signal STH-10 (x2) Emergency Siren Test 12/23/23

Audio Recording


Woolwich Township, Breslau, ON, 19 Woolwich St. South 

Federal Signal 2001-130 Emergency Siren Test 09/21/23

Breslau CAER and Shelter-In-Place Siren Test

Audio Recording



This siren's rotator was broken, so the siren was facing the audio recorder the whole time so you could hear it pretty well during the test.

Woolwich Township, St. Jacobs, ON St. Jacobs Fire Hall 

Federal Signal Model 2 Emergency Siren Test 09/21/23

St. Jacobs CAER and Shelter-In-Place Siren Test

Audio Recording


Woolwich Township, Elmira, ON Elmira Fire Hall 

Federal Sign & Signal STH-10A Emergency Siren Test 09/20/23

Elmira CAER and Shelter-In-Place Siren Test

Audio Recording



Due to settings on the audio recorder, the wind-down sound may fade in and out, this was later fixed by setting the mic sensitivity to high instead of auto.

Perth County, West Perth, ON Mitchell Fire Hall 

Federal Electric Model 2 Siren Test 07/31/23 

Audio Recording


Elgin County, Dutton/Dunwich, ON

FS Canadian Model 2-3Z Emergency Siren Test 05/6/23 

Audio Recording

Dutton Model 2.mp3